Revisions History | Seeing Red, J-22 | Yellow Fever, Snipe | The Phoenix | Dark Star, C&C 34 | InSync, J-27 | Recursion, New York 36 | Nasty Boys | Full House, Catalina 42| E'toile de Mer, O'Day 15 | Sailing and Nautical Links | Return to Our Home Page
I have provided this webpage as an additional jumping off point to get to some of my favorite snapshots of the various sailboats which I have sailed on or am working on. Until I created this page, the only way to view those webpages was to go through my Sailing Resume webpage.
My Sailing Calendar? Just click on the link. Updated for September 2002.
Our Yellow Fever Virtual Scrapbook for our latest sailboat, Yellow Fever, a Snipe class sailboat, which I have purchased July 2000. It is hull number 18650. So far, I only have a small Quicktime movie online in this scrapbook, of sailing on the East Branch of the Westport River, on 4 July 2001.
Photographs in The Phoenix Virtual Scrapbook, and cool charts of where we have sailed her. Some photos of us having fun onboard.
Another soon to arrive Virtual Scrapbook, for the J-120, Skimmer, of Cowesset, East Greenwich, Rhode Island. An occassional ride which I navigate on.
Seeing Red Virtual Scrapbook, for the J-22 I have sailed on, out of Rhode Island Yacht Club (RIYC). It is owned by my good friend, Abbi Seward, of Warwick, RI. Aside from being onboard to retrieve a halyard and setup a solar panel, the only race that I have been on for is the 10th Anniversary Bob St. Denis Memorial Regatta, hosted by the RIYC. Imagery is online in this virtual scrapbook, of our tracks around the course.
Virtual Scrapbook, for the C&C 34, Dark Star, also of Cowesset, East Greenwich, Rhode Island. My Wednesday evening ride, on which I navigate and do foredeck. This virtual scrapbook has charts with our tracks superimposed. Some pics are online, from the 2001 Figawi
Recently updated - The imagery in the InSync Virtual Scrapbook consists mostly of our plotted courses for racing in the Thursday evening Narragansett Terrace Yacht Club series.
Soon to arrive, a Blew Moon Virtual Scrapbook. Blew Moon is a Mumm 30, owned by Dave Benua, former owner of Recursion. I could occassionally be found on foredeck on this boat, from 1999 to 2000.
Photographs in the Recursion Virtual Scrapbook, so far, are of sailing in the western Long Island Sound PHRF division; including Block Island Race Week 1991, several Stamford-Block Island races and one Stamford-Martha's Vineyard race. Somewhere, somehow, while bouncing between web servers, the homepage for this boat got lost, but you can still view the other pages there but selecting them from the directory display.
Photographs in the E'toile de Mer Virtual Scrapbook are images from the seventies and early eighties when I had my O'Day 15 and raced it in the East Branch of the Westport River, in Westport, Massachusetts.
Photographs in Nasty Boys Virtual Scrapbook, are not there yet. But there are race results for our Narragansett Bay competitions, out of the Narragansett Terrace Yacht Club. I have finally found some negatives and scanned several, they should online in August 2000. John has not launched Nasty Boys in several years now.
I am currently setting up some images for the Full House Virtual Scrapbook.