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Bryant Associates, Inc. |
Ronald M. Ash & Associates, Inc. |
Florida Surveying & Mapping, Inc.
Resume for David Wayne Hurd
Bryant Associates, Inc.
- November 1991 to July 2006
- Computer Systems Manager
- Responsible for Novell Version 3.12 Network with 14 workstations, 2 file servers and print servers (November 1991 to 2000)
- Responsible for Novell Version 4.2 Network with 18 workstations, 1 file servers and 5 print servers (2000 to present)
Specific Responsibilities Include:
- Hardware upgrades for individual 486-based DOS workstations
- Preventive maintenance for workstations, file servers, plotters and printers
- Daily and Weekly network backups to QIC tape
- Monthly network backups to recordable CD, using Incat Easy-CD MM CD writing software for the Windows 3.1 Operating Environment
- MS-DOS Operating System, Windows 3.1 Operating Environment, Windows 95 Operating Environment and Applications Software installation and setup
- Preparation of Standard Form 255 Project Sheets using Adobe Photoshop 4.0 and Adobe PageMaker 6.5 for Windows, in a Windows 95 operating environment
- Preparation of various publications using Adobe Photoshop 4.0 and Adobe PageMaker 6.5 for Windows, in a Windows 95 operating environment for the Providence Engineering Society
- GIS Manager using ESRI ArcCAD 11.3 for AutoCAD Release 12, and ESRI ArcView 3.0 (January 1997 to Present)
GIS Projects including:
- In-House Projects GIS, the collection of photogrammetric mapping data, and the images of maps and graphics; included the georeferencing of the maps and graphics.
- Preparation of ArcView 3.0 shapefiles by tracing image files, and their conversion to Arc/Info coverages using ArcCAD 11.4.
- Creation of base mapping comprised of AutoCAD Release 12 drawings, from City of Cambridge GIS data, using ESRI ArcCAD 11.3 for AutoCAD Release 12. These base maps were further refined by others to prepare drawings for the Metropolitan District Commission's Charles River Master Plan Project
- Creation of base mapping comprised of AutoCAD Release 12 drawings, from RIGIS GIS data, using ESRI ArcCAD 11.3 for AutoCAD Release 12. These base maps were used for the Warwick Bicycle Path Network. Feasibility plans were also prepared for this project, from the same GIS data, using ESRI ArcView 3.0 for Windows, in the Windows 95 operating environment. These feasibility plans showed the relationships of the bikepath to various features, including Historic Districts, Schools, Parks and Open Space.
- Webmaster for Corporate Website at (October 1996 to present)
- Webmaster for Intelligent Transportation Society of America, Rhode Island Chapter (May 2001 to present)
- Project Photography for before, during and after construction conditions.
Ronald M. Ash & Associates, Inc.
- November 1987 to November 1991
- Computer Systems Manager/Technician Drafter
- Developed CADD Department with 1 IBM PC-AT and 2 Sun SparcStations on a Novell Network with one print server and one file server.
- Developed CADD Standards, symbol libraries, detail libraries and AutoLISP routines to help automate the drawing process.
- Manual pen and ink technical drafting of existing drawings.
Florida Surveying and Mapping, Inc.
- August 1984 to November 1987
- Director of Operations
- Responsible for preparing as many as four survey field crews' workloads
- Responsible for Drafting Department Quality Control
- Deed Research
- Field Survey Calculations using an HP Model 50 computer system.
- Meetings with clients to discuss their specific survey requirements.
Rhode Island Hospital, Department of Pharmacy
- Hospital Certified Pharmacy Technician
- 1980 to May 1984
- Preparation of Hyperalimentations
- Preparation of Non-Sterile formulations including:
- In-house patient dosing distribution, day, evening and overnight shifts, including:
- Filling of in-house patient medication trays
- Distribution of said trays to nursing units
- Transcription of doctor's patient prescription orders into patient profile sheets
- Computer programming in BASIC on a TRS-80 Model II, to create a Pharmacy Resident Training Database Management System.

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