Frequently accessed sites are placed here such that I can access them from any service which I may using at the time. I hope that you find them useful as well.

This webpage will be looking kind of weird for a little while; I am using it to play around with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).



The Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council URI Watershed Watch Greenwich Bay Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) State of Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission
Environmental Concern, Inc. Rhode Island Wild Plant Society National Wildlife Federation Rhode Island Sea Grant - Greenwich Bay
Narragansett Bay Riverways Programs - The Massachusetts Riverways Programs: Building Partnerships, Protecting Rivers. The mission of the Riverways Programs is to promote the restoration, protection and ecological integrity of the Commonwealth's rivers, streams and adjacent lands. Association of State Wetland Managers, Inc. Coastal Institute - at URI
Atlantic Estuarine Research Society Narragansett Bay Estuary Program USEPA - Water Science USEPA - National Estuary Program
US Water News National Association of Conservation Districts GreenBiz - Business, Environment, Sustainability Gulf of Maine Aquarium - All About Lobsters
  • The USS Saratoga Museum Foundation, Inc.
  • Scanned collection of history, bibliography, genealogy and french books downloadable from the National Library of Quebec
  • Local Channel 10 - WJAR/NBC
  • Project Gutenberg - electronic text versions of thousands of titles, both classics and contemporary. Free for downloading. Text files are readily viewable for any word processing program or eText reader.
  • Line Break
