Frequently accessed sites are placed here such that I can access them from any service which I may using at the time. I hope that you find them useful as well.
This webpage will be looking kind of weird for a little while; I am using it to play around with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
The Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council | URI Watershed Watch | Greenwich Bay Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) | State of Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission |
Environmental Concern, Inc. | Rhode Island Wild Plant Society | National Wildlife Federation | Rhode Island Sea Grant - Greenwich Bay |
Narragansett Bay | Riverways Programs - The Massachusetts Riverways Programs: Building Partnerships, Protecting Rivers. The mission of the Riverways Programs is to promote the restoration, protection and ecological integrity of the Commonwealth's rivers, streams and adjacent lands. | Association of State Wetland Managers, Inc. | Coastal Institute - at URI |
Atlantic Estuarine Research Society | Narragansett Bay Estuary Program | USEPA - Water Science | USEPA - National Estuary Program |
US Water News | National Association of Conservation Districts | GreenBiz - Business, Environment, Sustainability | Gulf of Maine Aquarium - All About Lobsters |
A new bunch of links, as I am looking into the possibility of using a Palm Pilot PDA, in conjunction with my Garmin GPS48, as a short-term track data storage facility to be used initially for three days offshore this coming Memorial Day weekend, for the Figawi Regatta. For some reason, I don't feel compelled to drag the PowerBook 5300 with me.
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